I’ve only heard one coach ever talk about how loaded his team was. Twice.
He’s won two State Championships.
For the rest of us… we got problems.
The kids are too small. Too slow. Too young. Too soft. Too entitled.
Something’s wrong. For every single one of us.
Probably why coaching is not for everyone.
You get into coaching thinking you know everything. The smartest coaches are the one’s who have never done it.
Then you find out this is a hard gig. The kids don’t run around like they do in Madden.
But the truth is… your players can play. They’re just like everyone else’s players.
Maybe not as big, or as fast, or as… whatever it is. But everyone has shortcomings.
This off-season, figure out what yours are. Get to work addressing them.
Then move on. Time to go to work.
In this episode, I mention the Max Motivation for Peak Performance eCourse along with several of the other resources that are available exclusively as part of JDFB Insiders.
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