It's been used as a dirty word. A "system" guy.
Quarterbacks lose draft position. Coaches get dismissed as being uncreative or unoriginal.
They're probably not too upset. After all, you don't get labeled as a "system" guy until you start winning football games.
I've just released my video series this week on The Pistol Power Offense System. You can check out the first free video here:
As I was putting it together, I thought about what it means to run a "system".
It means you believe it what you do. You have a playbook, not a stack of plays.
You know how you want the job done. Your players learn exactly what the job is. They gain confidence. They play faster.
System coaches win more games.
And you don't have to BUY a system. You can systematize your own offense. You SHOULD.
Socheck out The Football Coaching Podcast Episode 118 to find out how you can turn your football offense into a SYSTEM.